Saturday 23 November 2013

How To Resume Broken Links with IDM (Internet Download Manager) :

We all know Internet Download Manager (IDM) is the most powerful and popular downloader.But how you feel when you have already downloaded a large part of a big file (say 60% to 99%) and IDM says…..ERROR-link broken..can’t resume etc…although it was a resumeable download link? Definitely you feel like throwing your system.Same was the case with me but I’ve discovered a trick to resume broken
IDM downloads.

Though sometime IDM says ‘ERROR-link broken..can’t resume’ etc. for a resumable link you can easily resume
your broken downloads(condition: file should be available in the site form where you started your download/file
hosting server/mirrors) with this simple and effective trick.Just follow the following steps.


1.Double click the download name in main IDM window
that shows ERROR to resume.
2.Click the http link of file (highlighted in blue colour)
3.Download link will open in the browser and a window
appears just after that.
4.Click ‘OK’ to resume.Most probably the download will
If it still doesn’t resume then continue with following
5.Open the website/mirror site of the same file that you
were downloading.
6.Start a new download of the same file again which was
showing ERROR from website/mirror site).
7.After download starts-pause it.Double click new
download’s name.
8.Copy the address from ‘Address’ box of new download
(shown with blue colour).
9.Paste the copied address to old download’s similar
‘Address’ box and press ‘OK’.
10.Now from main IDM download window select the old
download that was showing ERROR and click on resume.
Now after the 10th step I expect a big smile on your
face.Yes…..thatold file which was not resuming is now
again downloading with full speed.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae abtore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit